Ние използваме хартиени чаши за чай so our drinks are easily available when we are busy and on the go. Baofeng is trained on data until October 2023 The Baofeng power of many the models and sizes, everyone can use the needs. So whether you’re a busy parent, rushing to take your kids to school, a student heading to class or someone who works and needs a drink on the go, paper cups & lids are just perfect for you.
Because today the humans have their own busy life and are now always on the go. That is why it is so important to have a drink with you. Oh, and paper cups and lids are a simple option that’ll save you a lot. Baofeng paper cups are available in a multitude of sizes, so you can get one that suits your drink. For a quick drink, head out and get an 8 oz small cup, for the bigger beverage take the big 20 oz cup These cups are meant for your favorite hot or cold drinks, and they keep your drink warmer or cooler longer, so you can drink it how you like it.
Baofeng is passionate about terrestrial care and at the forefront of doing its part to protect our planet. They always do their best to provide eco-friendly options that have a lower impact on our planet. The paper cups with lids are paperboard, a planet-friendly, easily replaceable material. Our cups and lids are also 100% recyclable which means you can recycle them after you use them and they will break down over time which is great for the environment. So, when you sip on your drink, you could feel good that you are doing your part to help mother Earth too.
Baofeng paper cup and lid is not only good for individuals, but also very convenient for all kinds of enterprises. Many places, such as coffee shops and fast-food restaurants, need paper cups and lids in order to serve their drinks. These cups are a very essential item those keep the customers happy. They are also extremely inexpensive, which allows companies to provide their customers with drinks to take out without breaking the bank. In this manner, it can be ensured that everyone gets their beverage of choice in very fast and seamless manner.
Whether you need a small hit of espresso to get you back on your feet or a hefty cup of vanilla latte to sip while you hustle or fill your thoughts with motivation, Baofeng offers composable cup sizes. Sizes from 8 oz to 20 oz to fit all your varying needs. That, and not just sizes — our cups and lids also come in many designs, from classic white cups to colorful cups and lids. Pick the cup and lid that represents your personality and makes your drink taste even better!
Baofeng paper cup & lids is also good to help you show your brand. You can choose whatever you would like Printed; Your logo, your tagline, anything you wish to tell your customer. This is an entertaining and artistic way to promote your brand and make it unique. Having personalized Cups & Lids can have an additional advantage where you get noticed more by the customers which can help you to expand, also, enhance brand visibility in a competitive market.
Производствена база от 11,003 52 квадратни метра, оборудвана с модерно оборудване, е посветена на производството на различни видове контейнери за хартиени опаковки. Чашите за сладолед са основният продукт на компанията и не само имат XNUMX патента върху себе си, но и оглавяват класациите по продажби. Wenzhou Baofeng активно преследва пазарна експанзия, но също така се фокусира върху развитието на марки и спазването на принципите на устойчив растеж.
Разходни предимства: Годините производствен опит ни позволиха да оптимизираме производствените процеси чрез елиминиране на отпадъците и ненужните стъпки. Резултатът е подобрен контрол на разходите, който ще ни позволи да предлагаме по-конкурентни цени на конкурентен пазар. Експертиза в индустрията: Wenzhou Baofeng Packaging Technology Limited Company е призната за растежа си в областта на опаковането през последните две десетилетия. Компанията е видяла значителни промени и технологичен напредък в областта и е изградила обширни познания за индустрията. Wenzhou Baofeng има дълбоко разбиране на характеристиките на опаковъчния материал, методите на печат и тенденциите в дизайна. Това му позволява да предлага висококачествени опаковъчни решения на своите клиенти.
We are equipped with more than 100 state-of-the-art fully automated machines from around the globe, we utilize single-coated food-grade paper in order to make sure that the ink never gets into contact with food products. The GMP audits we have received as well as the QS certificates we have earned prove our dedication to quality management.
Използвайте ERP системата за ефективно управление на ресурсите и подобряване на плановете за персонал, доставки и оборудване. ERP системата позволява мониторинг на ресурсите в реално време, навременни корекции за недостиг и гарантира безпроблемно производство. ERP системата дава възможност за проследяване и подобряване на изпълнението на проблемите през целия производствен процес. Той също така позволява споделяне на информация в реално време с клиенти чрез интегриране на управление на проекти. Това позволява бърза оценка и реакция, за да се отговори на нуждите на клиентите.