Tots els pobles


paper ice cream

Yummy! We are going to be making a super fun treat today called "galleda de crispetes! This is a dessert treat that is wholly made out of paper. And you read that correct — paper! Ideal for anyone who loves gelato yet does not want to mess with any trash. Baofeng − With just a few easy steps, Baofeng will tell you how to make such playful paper ice cream cones at home.

You could be wondering, wait — how on earth do we use paper to make ice cream? No need to panic, it is much more simple than you might think! Paper colors to make ice cream cones and toppings of all the most fun stuff. This is why a real paper ice cream cone will have a brown or tan main part.

A DIY ice cream cone that won't melt.

La millor part és, recipient de crispetes will never melt despite the hot weather. You can savor your creation forever, or as long as you want, free of guilt! And you can choose any flavor of ice cream that you like. Paper Ice Cream: You can make all kind of ice cream out of paper, be it vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or bubblegum. And guess what? Because you won't have to deal with eating too fast and suffering from a brain freeze!

There are a few supplies needed to create your awesome paper ice cream cones. Grab some construction paper in a variety of colors, scissors, glue or tape and some markers or colored pencils. Gonna jump right in by having us make our cones! Cut a rectangle of brown construction paper. Then starting from one edge, roll the paper over in to it self (to make a cone) Use glue or tape to secure it together and keep your cone intact.

Why choose Baofeng paper ice cream?

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