Baofeng | We care about the nucleus of our planet! This is why we provide popcorn spand in a special way. These boxes are made from waste paper pulp, which that is, old papers and it can be recycled. They too are biodegradable and can, therefore, break down naturally in nature without being harmful to the Earth. These indulgent boxes are ideal for protecting your delightful delights and maintaining their freshness such as yummy cupcakes, sweet doughnuts, crunchy cookies. We offer many different sizes and shapes to keep all your delicious baked treats in one special box.
Ikke kun det, vores popcornbeholder can also serve as a display item for your items at stores or farmers' markets. Coming in a desirable brown color, the boxes are surprisingly appealing and made to be as tough as nails. Which means these boxes will make your baked products look much more tempting, as well as appetising. The boxes can also be stacked on top of each other, allowing for ease and movement. Take them travel wherever for you would like to go without worrying regarding your goodies being squashed!
We know how much love you put into the treats you bake your special someone at Baofeng. Which is exactly why we offer kraft bakery boxes that keep your baked goods safe while you carry or store them! We've got these boxes made of hard kraft paper that saves your treats from being crushed or damaged in any manner. You can take pride in using eco-friendly packaging for all your tasty delights, knowing that you are not adding to the pollution! It’s a win-win situation!
Bakeries are a dime-a-dozen these days and you want to shine? Or, you must be the one who will use our custom kraft bakery boxes! We can even print your logo, name of business or special message regarding the products right on the boxes. This provides an excellent opportunity to market your brand and leave a lasting impression on your customers. Your customers will relate to your brand when they see you with unique boxes and actually want to come over for more. With Baofeng, you get ideal custom bakery boxes that accommodates your branding requirements to stand out.
At Baofeng, we are aware that baked goods come in many different styles. That is why we have a range of kraft bakery boxes to meet all of your packaging needs. Whether you are wrapping up large and fluffy cupcakes, small and dainty macarons or other delicious bites, we have the perfect box for whatever sad thing you happen to be baking. We also give you customization features to create the perfect box that fits your desirable needs. Whatever you are packing, we have the solution!
Gør brug af ERP-systemet til effektivt at koordinere ressourcer og optimere personale-, indkøbs- og udstyrsplanerne. Dette system giver ressourceovervågning i realtid, hurtige justeringer i tilfælde af mangel og kontinuerlig produktion. ERP-systemet gør det muligt at identificere og rette eventuelle problemer gennem hele produktionsprocessen. Det letter også deling af data i realtid med kunder gennem projektstyringsintegration. Dette giver mulighed for hurtig vurdering og respons for at imødekomme kundernes krav.
Firmaet har en produktionsfacilitet, der dækker et areal på 11,003 kvadratmeter med højteknologisk udstyr, der sigter mod nøjagtig og præcis produktion af en bred vifte af emballagebeholdere lavet af papir. Iskopper er virksomhedens topprodukt og har ikke bare 52 patenter på dem, men er også det bedst sælgende produkt målt på salg. Wenzhou Baofeng forfølger aktivt markedsudvidelse, men er også fokuseret på at udvikle sit brand og overholde principperne for bæredygtig vækst.
Udstyret med over 100 state-of-the-art fuldt automatiseret udstyr hentet fra hele verden, bruger vi enkelt-coated fødevaregodkendt papir for at sikre, at blækket aldrig kommer i direkte kontakt med fødevarer. Vores opnåelse af GMP-certificeringer såvel som QS-akkrediteringer bekræfter vores urokkelige engagement i kvalitetsstyring.
Omkostningsfordele: Mange års erfaring med produktion har gjort det muligt for virksomheden at forbedre sine produktionsprocesser, eliminere unødvendige trin og reducere produktionsspild. Denne optimering har resulteret i større kontrol over omkostningerne, hvilket har givet os mulighed for at tilbyde overkommelige priser på et konkurrencepræget marked. Erfaringsmæssigt i branchen: Wenzhou Baofeng Packaging Technology Limited Company er blevet anerkendt for sin vækst inden for emballage i de sidste to årtier . Virksomheden har opnået omfattende branchekendskab efter betydelige teknologiske fremskridt og ændringer i emballageindustrien. Med en omfattende forståelse af egenskaberne ved emballagematerialer, trykprocesser og aktuelle trends inden for design, er Wenzhou Baofeng godt rustet til at tilbyde højkvalitets emballageløsninger til sine kunder.