Own a business that sells drink, such as food truck or a café? If you do, you understand that it’s essential to have enough cups for your customers. Have you ever wondered what to do if you run out of cups at a busy time? That must be really frustrating for you and your customers! But not to woory, because Baofeng has ready-to-sell paper cups that are suitable for buying in bulk!
By purchasing paper cups in bulk, you can save both time and money. So you are prepared for any busy days where lots of customers come through as well as benefiting from our reduced prices when you buy more cups. Thanks to our sturdy, durable paper cups, your customers can sip to their heart's delight without worrying about any leaks or spills. So, while you can focus on delivering to your customers, you don’t have to worry about running out of cups!
However, do not assume that their eco-friendliness means that they are not tough. You can get a cup that you can use for hot and cold drinks. They come in loads of sizes too so you can get just the right one for whatever you need. So you can have a green heart whilst giving your customers service of the highest standard when they smile at the sight of your green ecofriendly cups.
Because these cups are disposable, this makes cleanup after the event easy-peasy. No need to wash and store reusable cups. Disposable cups are another convenient option — toss these away after the event and you save yourself time and effort. This is a fun way to enjoy the party just like your guests without worrying about the clean up!
So whatever your paper cup type, Baofeng has the solution for you. With this shape, we can provide various sizes and designs, which you can order according to your business or event needs. If you require tiny cups for espresso shots or big cups for iced drinks, we have a range of options that are going to serve your requirement.
Buying in bulk helps you save dollars and offer your customers and guests with good quality cups. And our wholesale prices allow you to offer high-quality products without breaking the bank. Not only do we streamline the ordering process, but our speedy shipping makes it so you don’t have to wait long on your cups. You can easily restock and return to serving your customers!
We have a range of sizes — from tiny tiny cups for small drinks to big cups for bigger drinks. You can also select from a variety of other designs to bring some fun to your business. That your cups look the same as your shop or event and make a good impression to your customers.
Iskoristite ERP sustav za učinkovitu koordinaciju resursa i optimizaciju dogovora o nabavi, osoblju i opremi. Ovaj sustav omogućuje praćenje resursa u stvarnom vremenu, brze prilagodbe u slučaju manjka i besprijekornu proizvodnju. ERP sustav omogućuje identifikaciju i ispravljanje bilo kakvih problema tijekom cijelog procesa proizvodnje. Također olakšava dijeljenje informacija u stvarnom vremenu s korisnicima putem integracije upravljanja projektima. To omogućuje brzu procjenu i odgovor kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe kupaca.
Proizvodni pogon površine 11,003 četvorna metra opremljen suvremenom opremom namijenjen je proizvodnji različitih vrsta spremnika za papirnatu ambalažu. Čašice za sladoled glavni su proizvod tvrtke, a ne samo da imaju 52 patenta na sebi, već su i na vrhu ljestvica prodaje. Wenzhou Baofeng aktivno teži širenju tržišta, ali je također usmjeren na razvoj robnih marki i poštivanje načela održivog rasta.
Troškovne prednosti: Godine stručnosti u proizvodnji omogućile su tvrtki da fino prilagodi svoje proizvodne procese, eliminirajući nepotrebne korake i smanjujući otpad. Ova optimizacija procesa rezultirala je boljom kontrolom troškova, što će nam omogućiti da pružimo konkurentnije cijene na visoko konkurentnom tržištu. Iskustvo u industriji: Wenzhou Baofeng Packaging Technology Limited Company pohvaljeno je za napredak u industriji pakiranja u prošloj dva desetljeća. Tvrtka je svjedočila značajnom tehnološkom razvoju i pomacima na tom području, te je izgradila opsežno znanje o industriji. Wenzhou Baofeng ima duboko znanje o karakteristikama materijala za pakiranje, tehnikama tiska i trendovima u dizajnu. To mu omogućuje da ponudi visokokvalitetna rješenja za pakiranje za svoje klijente.
S više od 100 najsuvremenijih potpuno automatiziranih strojeva koji dolaze iz cijelog svijeta koristimo jednoslojni papir za hranu kako bismo osigurali da tinta nikada ne dođe u izravan kontakt s prehrambenim proizvodima. GMP certifikati koje smo primili, kao i QS certifikati koje posjedujemo dokaz su naše predanosti upravljanju kvalitetom.