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Šalica za sladoled

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90ml 120ml pp za jednokratnu upotrebu, plastična plastična ambalaža za sladoled, papir za vafle, punjenje čašice s poklopcima i žlicom

90ml 120ml pp za jednokratnu upotrebu, plastična plastična ambalaža za sladoled, papir za vafle, punjenje čašice s poklopcima i žlicom

  • ispitivanje
  • Srodni proizvodi
Marketinška kampanja
Dajemo besplatne uzorke na licu mjesta, prilagođeni uzorci bit će poslani najranije u roku od 15 radnih dana nakon komunikacije i
proizvodni aranžman.
Imamo profesionalne špediterske partnere koji će vam pomoći da postignete najniže troškove dostave.
Kontrola kvalitete
Napredna oprema i iskusni QC tim bit će ustrajni tijekom proizvodnje kako bi bili sigurni da je kvaliteta u najboljoj situaciji
Zašto odabrati nas
Prikaz proizvoda
Tehnika izrade

Q:Are you a factory or just a trading company?

A:Wenzhou Baofeng Packaging is a large supplier of the whole supply chain food paper packaging container products for the global Chinese and Western catering customers and food factory customers for 30 consecutive years.Welcome to visit ourfactory in China!

Q: Kako dobiti ponudu?

A: We pricing the products according to the customers specifcations, re-quest on materials, printing, fnish and other process flow and so on. And you can inquiry us by whatsapp or send e - mail to us.

Q: How To Customize my product

A: We offer a variety of sizes and printing techniques for you to choose from.Tell us what you have in mind, we will help you to realize.

Q: Mogu li dobiti uzorak prije skupne narudžbe?

A: Yes. We have quality samples with different techniques applied for your reference.And you only have to pay the shipping cost to get them, to all countries.

Q: Can you make high quality product?

A: Yes. We have 3 inspection processes during the production, raw material inspection, during production inspection and  pre-shipment inspection. We make every product to be good quality.

Q: How long is the shipping?

A:We have different shipping ways for your choice. sea shipping and train shipping to different countries may take different time.
You can send information and our logistics professionals will help you to solve all the problems.

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