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12oz Kraft Yogurt Coconut Shell Shaved Ice Cream Cup with New Design Printed Paper Lid and Spoon PE Paint Coat Filling Sealing

12oz Kraft Yogurt Coconut Shell Shaved Ice Cream Cup with New Design Printed Paper Lid and Spoon PE Paint Coat Filling Sealing

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Kampanja ta ’Kummerċjalizzazzjoni
Aħna nipprovdu kampjuni fuq il-post b'xejn, kampjuni personalizzati jintbagħtu fi żmien 15-il jum tax-xogħol l-aktar kmieni wara l-komunikazzjoni u
arranġament tal-produzzjoni.
Għandna sħab professjonali tal-ġarr tal-merkanzija li se jgħinu biex jiksbu l-inqas spejjeż tat-tbaħħir.
Kontroll tal-Kwalità
Tagħmir Avvanzat u tim tal-QC b'Esperjenza se jkun stickly matul il-produzzjoni, biex jiġi żgurat li l-kwalità tkun fl-aħjar sitwazzjoni biex
Għaliex Agħżel Us
Dispaly tal-Prodott
Teknika tal-Manifattura

Q:Are you a factory or just a trading company?

A:Wenzhou Baofeng Packaging is a large supplier of the whole supply chain food paper packaging container products for the global Chinese and Western catering customers and food factory customers for 30 consecutive years.Welcome to visit ourfactory in China!

Q: Kif tikseb kwotazzjoni?

A: We pricing the products according to the customers specifcations, re-quest on materials, printing, fnish and other process flow and so on. And you can inquiry us by whatsapp or send e - mail to us.

Q: How To Customize my product

A: We offer a variety of sizes and printing techniques for you to choose from.Tell us what you have in mind, we will help you to realize.

Q: Nista 'nikseb kampjun qabel ordni bl-ingrossa?

A: Yes. We have quality samples with different techniques applied for your reference.And you only have to pay the shipping cost to get them, to all countries.

Q: Can you make high quality product?

A: Yes. We have 3 inspection processes during the production, raw material inspection, during production inspection and  pre-shipment inspection. We make every product to be good quality.

Q: How long is the shipping?

A:We have different shipping ways for your choice. sea shipping and train shipping to different countries may take different time.
You can send information and our logistics professionals will help you to solve all the problems.

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