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disposable coffee sleeves

Are you frustrated of scorching your fingers each and every time you decide to take hold of a scalding hot coffee cup? It can really hurt! But don’t worry anymore! Well, at Baofeng we have the perfect way to solve that problem: kavne skodelice za enkratno uporabo s pokrovom.

And it keeps your hands safe and cool while your coffee stays hot! Our unique coffee sleeves allow them to fit on any standard-sized coffee cup. That makes them very easy to use. You simply have to slide the sleeve onto your cup, and you are ready to sip! These sleeves are made from special heat-retaining materials, ensuring that you get to enjoy the heat of the coffee, without also scorching of the fingers.

Keep your coffee hot and your hands cool with our convenient sleeves.

These coffee sleeves work just as well at home. They are also great for those who have to get up and go! Whether you're running to work, heading off to school or just enjoying a quiet morning at home, our disposable sleeves help make sure your hot coffee stays hot and your hands stay cool. No more worry about burns or spilling your coffee.

The earth and the environment really matter to us here at Baofeng. This is why we are proud to provide eco-friendly choices for our kavne skodelice in pokrovi za enkratno uporabo. We offer biodegradable coffee sleeves that are made from organic materials that decompose naturally over time. This also helps reduce waste and helps maintain a cleaner Earth for all.

Why choose Baofeng disposable coffee sleeves?

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